Registration will be available in early January! The CMLA is currently in the planning stages for the 2025 season!
Have Questions? Please visit our new FAQ section!
Follow these simple steps to navigate the Sportzsoft registration website. Please note your registration will not be confirmed till payment has been received
Visit Sportzsoft, sign-in or register as a new member
Click "New Registration" and select the participant you wish you register
Choose the appropriate registration product. A short description will show when you make a selection
Read the waivers and click "Agree"
If prompted upload government issued proof of age document
Complete the short questionnaire.
Select payment method and submit payment
Please note, if you wish email communication to go to TWO addresses, please make sure BOTH are listed under the Primary Parent/Guardian profile.

Registration for the 2025 season is now open!
We will play traditional box lacrosse indoors starting in early April and running through until mid-June!
If you are looking for competitive play we also offer a REP program. Tryouts will be held after March Break, with a tryout passport to be purchased at the arena.
Players wishing to attend tryouts must first register with CMLA a minimum of 24 hours prior to the 1st tryout with registration and any outstanding fees fully paid
Any player must attend a minimum of 1 tryout for the "1" team to be eligible for a "2" team
Any player is not successful in making a Rep team will be transferred to the house league program
Please note the registration fee only covers the initial payment, additional fees will paid in installments. ​
Have Questions?
Please visit our new FAQ section for further information!​​
Can My Child Participate In Rep Tryouts Prior to Registering?
No. In order to be eligible to participate in a tryout you must be registered with Clarington Minor Lacrosse for the current playing year. Registration must be paid in full along with any outstanding fees from previous seasons. All players must be registered with CMLA 24 hours prior to the first tryout for their age group.
Is There a Multi-Child Discount?
Yes. If three or more children from the same immediate family are registered you are eligible for a discount of 50% off the CMLA registration fee of the third and subsequent registrations. Please contact our Registrar to have the discount applied
House League Schedule
Age Group | Birth Years | Days of Play | Fee |
SoftLAX | 2021 - 2022 | TBD | 200 |
U7 - Paperweight | 2019 - 2020 | TBD | 250 |
U9 - Tyke | 2017 - 2018 | TBD | 300 |
U11 - Novice | 2015 - 2016 | TBD | 300 |
U13 - Peewee | 2013 - 2014 | TBD | 300 |
U15 - Bantam | 2011 - 2012 | TBD | 300 |
U17 - Midget | 2009 - 2010 | TBD | 300 |
PLEASE NOTE: All days are subject to change pending registration numbers. Some changes may be necessary due to floor time availability at the beginning of the season until local arenas have opened their dry pads.